Reintroducing Myself

Mx Mommy
3 min readDec 29, 2023


Photo by Pawel Czerwinski on Unsplash

Hey there! It’s been a minute since I last posted. Before I dive into my 2024 goal of writing more, I’d like to reintroduce myself.

Many of my previous pieces delved into my personal trauma, a topic that will still surface in my writing journey. However, I’m redirecting my focus toward a new chapter I’ve recently begun: parenthood. Writing serves as my outlet to navigate personal challenges, and I aim to channel that energy into not only processing my experiences but also inspiring and educating others. Through this platform, I hope to foster community, share insights about parenthood, and explore the intersection of parenting with my evolving identity.

My path to embracing my queer identity has been a winding road, peppered with moments of discovery, acceptance, and self expression through theater. The loving support of my partner has been a beacon through these years, allowing me to find comfort in my identity and champion the use of gender-neutral language, a subtle affirmation of who I am.

Yet, this journey isn’t without its challenges. Childhood trauma and a difficult history, including past abusive relationships and more recently, a 36-hour birth with significant blood loss, have shaped my perspective profoundly. These experiences have also fueled my passion for breaking taboos, advocating for survivors, and fostering conversations around the raw, difficult aspects of life.

Previously, in what feels like another lifetime, I was inspired to create art and host dialogue circles around these topics. My largest worked to date,“Yes, and…” was an interactive art installation where people could share their stories and break the silence on topics society often shies away from: sexual assault, harassment, and the journey of healing. I also expressed myself through where I produced a queer variety show and performed in drag for three years. Then I hung up my canvases, paint brushes, and sequins. The well of passion that inspired me to create had dried up.

Becoming a parent has sparked a new motivation within me. It’s allowed me to reflect on why I create and helped my refocus my intentions: having an outlet not only for myself and fostering community at a time where it’s so easy to isolate yourself. My spark has been reignited after the experience of my birth, and navigating the space of motherhood while also being gender queer.

I’ve noticed a gap in the narrative, with a surplus of content catering to cisgendered perspectives. I want this space to resonate with non-binary, genderqueer, and gender-fluid parents — individuals like me — who often find themselves in a world that doesn’t fully represent their experiences.

Here, I aim to share my journey through parenthood, providing guidance, solace, and a shared understanding for fellow first-time parents. Breaking taboos and stigmas is at the heart of this endeavor; I aspire to craft conversations that foster a sense of unity, making each reader feel a little less alone.

As we embark on this journey together, I’m eager to explore various themes within parenting, advocacy, and personal experiences. Together, we’ll navigate uncharted territories and share in the joys and challenges of embracing our diverse identities as parents.

This blog is a work-in-progress, a safe space where vulnerability meets inspiration, where I coach and inspire others while unraveling my own story. I invite you to join this conversation, share your thoughts, and explore this space together.

Stay tuned for more content exploring the intricacies of parenting from a queer perspective. Let’s embark on this journey embracing the beautiful chaos of parenthood, breaking barriers, and building a community of understanding and support.

You can also find me on Instagram:

  • @theyaremommy



Mx Mommy

Navigating my new role as “mom” admist the mountain of expectations that surround birthing parents. Tips: