Call Me Mx. Mother

Mx Mommy
2 min readJan 5, 2024


Photo by Liv Bruce on Unsplash

Mother is a term steeped in tradition, history, and its own set of expectations. It carries a significant weight deeply rooted in cultural and societal norms that are tied to self-sacrifice, a nurturing presence, and domestic responsibilities.

Beyond the challenges of balancing personal aspirations with parental duties, the weight of navigating gender norms hits me a little differently. I identify as genderqueer, and the conventional labels don’t always resonate with who I am. That’s where Mx. comes into play – a gender-neutral title that reflects the beautiful complexity of my identity.

Using Mx. Mother is not about erasing the role or the love; it’s about embracing a version of motherhood that celebrates inclusivity and understanding. It’s about acknowledging that the journey of parenting isn’t confined to one specific label or identity.

Through my blog , I aim to explore the joys, the struggles, and the endless facets of being a parent from a genderqueer perspective. I want to break barriers, share stories, and foster a community where diversity thrives and those like me feel seen and understood.

Parenthood has already been quite a journey, and I’m learning to embrace this new chapter of my life. Navigating an uncharted territory while embracing my queer identity involves a delicate dance between confronting challenges unique to both journeys and reveling in the profound joys each brings to my life.

To all my non-binary, genderqueer, and gender-fluid parents out there, this is for you. Let’s redefine what it means to be a parent and celebrate the diversity that enriches our experiences. Join me on this adventure – let’s navigate parenthood together.

With love,

Mx. Mother



Mx Mommy

Navigating my new role as “mom” admist the mountain of expectations that surround birthing parents. Tips: